Impulsa tu futuro académico y deportivo

Programas personalizados para alcanzar la excelencia en el deporte y la academia

Académico - deportivo

Actividades interculturales y programas combinados para enriquecer tu experiencia.

Potencia tu talento con entrenamiento personalizado de la mano de una leyenda del fútbol y arquitecto de campeones.

Descubre opciones de becas y destaca tus logros académicos - deportivos.

Experiencias culturales y deportivas
Entrenamiento personalizado

Conectando educación y deporte

En Coronfit Sports, fusionamos la excelencia académica y el entrenamiento personalizado para formar atletas completos y preparados para el futuro.



Años de experiencia

Universidades en EE.UU.

Servicios Destacados

Explora nuestros programas académicos y deportivos, diseñados para potenciar tu éxito integral.

A group of athletes wearing sports uniforms is seated on the floor in a gymnasium, engaging in stretching exercises. The focus is on one athlete with a ponytail, wearing a jersey with the number seven, smiling as she stretches her legs. The lighting is soft, creating a relaxed atmosphere.
A group of athletes wearing sports uniforms is seated on the floor in a gymnasium, engaging in stretching exercises. The focus is on one athlete with a ponytail, wearing a jersey with the number seven, smiling as she stretches her legs. The lighting is soft, creating a relaxed atmosphere.
A group of athletes warming up or practicing on a grassy field near a track. They are wearing athletic gear, including shirts and shorts, and appear to be involved in a group exercise or routine. Most have one arm raised, and they are positioned in a line with a large stone wall in the background. A sign on the wall reads 'CAA', indicating a sports conference or event.
A group of athletes warming up or practicing on a grassy field near a track. They are wearing athletic gear, including shirts and shorts, and appear to be involved in a group exercise or routine. Most have one arm raised, and they are positioned in a line with a large stone wall in the background. A sign on the wall reads 'CAA', indicating a sports conference or event.
Experiencia cultural

Queremos brindar a los jugadores una experiencia única e increíble en Medellín, Colombia.

Junto con la parte deportiva, los jugadores vivirán una experiencia cultural que incluye la idiosincrasia del pueblo paisa, el idioma y la deliciosa comida tradicional.

Académico / Deportivo

Este proyecto no tiene competidores directos que combinen preparación académica + desarrollo deportivo + gestión NCAA en un solo programa. Nosotros ofrecemos esta integración de dos caminos (Elite Scholar-Athlete y Academic Excellence Path) con un enfoque exclusivo para cumplir normas universitarias.

A group of athletes wearing sports uniforms is seated on the floor in a gymnasium, engaging in stretching exercises. The focus is on one athlete with a ponytail, wearing a jersey with the number seven, smiling as she stretches her legs. The lighting is soft, creating a relaxed atmosphere.
A group of athletes wearing sports uniforms is seated on the floor in a gymnasium, engaging in stretching exercises. The focus is on one athlete with a ponytail, wearing a jersey with the number seven, smiling as she stretches her legs. The lighting is soft, creating a relaxed atmosphere.
Entrenamiento personalizado

Nuestro programa de entrenamiento personalizado, liderado por Luis Carlos Perea, se enfoca en maximizar tu potencial, combinando técnicas innovadoras y un seguimiento cercano para alcanzar tus metas deportivas.


Descubre nuestros programas, logros y experiencias culturales únicas.


Estamos aquí para ayudarte. Contáctanos para más información sobre nuestros programas y servicios personalizados.